Bruce Tannahill Obituary: The Owen Sound community is in mourning for Bruce Tannahill- a good friend, a loving husband and father, and an enthusiastic golfer. His passing left a void that will not be filled anytime soon for his friends and family members.
Bruce was more than a sports fanatic; he was a bastion of kindness, humor, and the best support system one could ever ask for. His love for golf was seen through in every moment he spent on the green with friends, filling those moments with memories. But off the fairways, Bruce’s real legacy was how he touched and changed the lives of people around him.
Tributes have flooded in from family and friends, each one reflecting the warmth and generosity that was so characteristic of Bruce’s life.
“It is a sad day here. The fun and joy that Bruce Tannahill brought to many—be it. You were a one-off indeed. We’ve had so much laughter and crying together,” is how a warm Facebook tribute that encapsulates so much of his character, is worded.
Andrea Riehl, who considered Bruce a father figure, also shared her grief: “My heart is shattered! Bruce, you were like a dad to Amanda Tennant and me! You made such a huge difference in my life, and you always had a smile on your face! Anybody who was lucky enough to know you is suffering today.”
Another to pay tribute was Rick Audette, who underlined Bruce’s unselfishness:
Sometimes in life, you meet people who make a difference. For me, that was Bruce Tannahill. Selfless, kind, and the life of the party. Thanks for always being an example of what a friend should be! Rest in peace, Tanny!
Bruce’s knack for bringing people together, providing them with support during tough times, and making them smile will be one of the lasting testament to the person he was. His memory will live on in stories shared, in the friendships that he built, and in the love that he gave so abundantly.
Born in Owen Sound, Bruce grew up attending West Hill Secondary School and later studied at Humber and Georgian. He resided in Owen Sound, where he had built a life of love and companionship with his partner, Toula Anastasiadis.
The family will make information on the funeral arrangements available to the public over the next couple of days as the community tries to digest this tragic loss.