Michael Dowd Obituary IL, Chicago Police Department Mourns His Passing

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Michael Dowd Obituary: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of a great Chicago Police Officer, Michael Dowd. A loyal member of our Department and in his life to service of the community, Michael has suddenly passed. His legacy of integrity, bravery, and commitment to justice shall never be forgotten.

Throughout his long and storied career, Michael was a very brave man, kind, and relentless in his commitment to the safety of a better Chicago. Out of uniform, he was much loved for his gentle heart, quick wit, and deep love for family and friends.

The legacy that Michael left behind, for colleagues, community members, and loved ones, will never be forgotten. His service and ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten but always remembered as an example to others who were fortunate enough to have known him.

The details of the memorial service will be communicated later when family members, friends, and fellow officers come out in huge numbers to bid him farewell and pay last respects while celebrating his life and the legacy he has left behind. Below is the official obituary with details on the funeral service.

The Chicago community has lost a lot with the passing of Officer Michael Dowd, and his service to the public will always be remembered with much gratitude and respect. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, colleagues, and all those who are in mourning for him.

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