Captain Rebecca M. Lobach Obituary and Who She Was? Durham NC

Rebecca M. Lobach Obituary

Rebecca M. Lobach Obituary

Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach, a committed U.S. Army officer and highly trained Black Hawk pilot, tragically passed away in a midair collision over Washington, D.C., Wednesday night at the age of 28 years old.

Rebecca grew up in Durham, North Carolina, and went on to earn a degree at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. She also excelled through the university’s ROTC detachment, graduating in the top 20% in the nation, and was commissioned into aviation. In July 2019, she was commissioned and assigned as an aviation officer to the 12th Aviation Battalion at Fort Belvoir in Virginia.

Captain Lobach will be long remembered for the exceptional ability and outstanding leadership in all duties performed throughout military service. She accumulated more than 450 flight hours, had assignments as a Platoon Leader, and later on, she also served as the Company Executive Officer. Among some of her awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and an Army Service Ribbon. On top of full-time aviation duties, she greatly supported others; she was an advocate for a certified Sexual Harassment/ Assault Response and Prevention— SHARP Victim Advocate.

Re­bec­ca didn’t leave her ser­vice with the Army. She went on to be­come a White House Mil­i­tary So­cial Aide, help­ing to host the Medal of Hon­or and Pres­i­den­tial Medal of Free­dom, among oth­er high-pro­file events. Her de­vot­ed ser­vice to this country, she be­liev­ed in con­tin­u­ing serv­ing, want­i­ng to stay in mil­i­tary ser­vice but at a lat­er date as her goals in­clud­ed pur­su­ing med­i­cine once her Army time com­mit­ment was com­plet­ed.

Her friends and family described her as caring, ambitious, and strong. Rebecca was the epitome of integrity and dedication living on its own merit. What shone through everything she did was her love for the fellow soldiers, family, and country she served.

She will be survived by her parents, loved ones, and the countless lives that she had touched through her kindness and unwavering sense of duty. Her death has created a void in the hearts of those who knew her and looked up to her that will never be able to be filled.

There will be a memorial service at the Advent Lutheran Church in Spindale for Captain Lobach and all others lost in these recent aviation disasters. May she rest in peace, and may her legacy of service and honor inspire generations to come.

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